Friday 5 April 2013

Remove Dark Spots from Your Skins with Necessary Precautions Remedies at Home Specially for German People

" Remove Dark Spots from Your Skins "
Dark spots can be on any part of your body including hip, legs, waist and back. It could be quite embarrassing when these dark spots show up and appear in areas that are exposed or visible to others. You should first examine your spots by yourself whether they are getting larger or they hurt you. If the answer to both questions is yes, then you should go immediately to a doctor and consult with him about it., If you observe no growth or widening of the spots, then it is now safe to turn to home remedies to get them removed. Massaging the affected areas with vitamin E oil would be a very good treatment.  You can also massage with this oil on your arms when you are planning to go to bed because, it takes some time to work on. Another home remedy you could use to lighten dark spots is using lemon juice on the dark spots. You can rub dark spots on all parts of your body with fresh lemon juice, ideally during night times and washing off in the morning time. Another good substance you can apply before going to bed is alovera gel.
It has very effective lightening properties that could work on dark spots all over the body. Alovera gel could also serve as sunscreen, protecting your Skins from the harmful rays of the sun, which also cause dark spots to darken further. Take precautions and always bring an umbrella along to use when the sun gets too hot. Aloe Vera juice works wonderfully when it is applied on your body when going outside in the sun light over a consistent period of time. 

You can also mix two teaspoons of vinegar and one teaspoon onion juice and rub it on the dark spots before going to sleep. Make sure to rinse them off when you wake up the next morning. Applying the mixture on your body can be done by dipping a cotton ball in it. Watermelon rinds is another effective remedy for the dark spots and never throw it away after eating them and then rub them on the effective parts of the body with fresh cold water. If you can get your hands on horseradish, chop them thinly and soak them in milk for thirty minutes. After that, rub the chopped horseradish on the area where the dark spots are located.

Keeping a healthy diet with high fiber content would also be contributory to your quest to get rid of those dark spots. Increase your intake of vegetables, particularly the green leafy varieties. You can also take the pulp of half tomato, mix it with two teaspoon of oatmeal along with few drops of lemon juice and then can develop a thick paste of it. Then you can also apply this thick paste on the dark spots of your body and it will help to lighten them. Along with vegetables, fruits can also be very effective in reducing the dark spots from your body. You must consume these fruits on regular basis to ensure that you have a very healthy and glowing Skin.

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